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Take a Survival Class taught by Larry

Every year we hold two survival classes at our home. One in the summer and one in the winter. In order to reserve a spot please text, call, or email Larry at the contact information listed below or on our contact page.

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Sample Class Schedule
*Class schedule can be modified depending on student interest


Meet up, drive to site.

Set up camp.

Quick knife safety talk

Fire lecture: fire lay, base for fire, tinder recognition

Ferrorod fire demo

Woods walk and wood, tinder, and smalls gathering. Show horsehoof fungus and chaga

Ferrorod fire

Ferro rod fire with mittens

Demo horse hoof fungus

Horse hoof fungus fire

Char cloth making and demo

Char cloth fire with broken lighter

One stick fire

Green stick fire?


Some folks will be inexperienced, and some will be experienced. The experienced folks can do bow drills and other more advanced tasks. We can team up folks according to their skills and adjust the instructions accordingly.



Equipment talk. Cutting tools, clothing, container, cordage, combustion device. How to conserve heat, layering, etc.

Fire and water boil. Store water bottle in a wool sock for hot liquid and warmth

Steel wool and battery fire challenge. Just give them steel wool and say make a fire without a spark

Cold hands ferro rod fire

Rough birch bark container- time permitting

Stone boil in bark container- time permitting

Heat rock in fire, wrap in shemagh for warmth.

Insulated bed. Demo and gather materials

Super shelter demo

Build insulated bed and super shelter

Cut and gather wood for two-person team long fires.

Dinner Provided



Birch bark sunglasses

Winter hammock camping talk by Larry

Winter Equipment list sample
*An updated equipment list will be given to you after booking a class.

Winter class equipment list

      1. Knife with 90-degree spine (No pocketknives, no serrations!)

      2. Bushcraft Ax

      3. Folding Pruning Saw or Buck Saw

      4. Large ferro rod

      5. 1 Small Roll Gorilla Tape

      6. 1 Bandanna or piece of 100% cotton material

      7. 1 5x7 Space Blanket/ Tarp with grommets

      8. 4 Tent Stakes (metal preferred)

      9. 3 Drum Liners (42-55 gallon only!)

     10. 50 feet of 550 paracord or #36 Tarred Bank Line

     11. 1 Steel Bottle to Boil in (Cannot be insulated) 32 oz preferred

     12. Notebook & Pencil

     13. Something to carry your gear in (Backpack, Haversack, etc)

     14. Preferred Food, Snacks, and Drinks (Gatorade, Coffee, etc.)

     15. Winter Work Gloves

     16. Personal Medications

     17. Rain Gear (Optional)

     18. Winter Sleeping Bag with 2 Wool Blankets

     19. Winter clothes, socks, and boots


We have a 4-wheeler and a trailer so please bring what you need for your sleep system. It can get quite cold here so bring plenty of cold weather gear. Wool pants and shirts are recommended. We will be using a fire for cooking and warmth so preferably no synthetics. We have a cooking grate and will be cooking over a fire. Water is provided.

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